Victim Advocacy Services

Violence Prevention


You’re the most important part of making USF a safer place. That’s why we offer programs that address relationships, bystander intervention, consent, and recognizing relationship red flags. We also require mandatory training for incoming students on all these topics. We aim to prevent violence on our campus by providing you with ongoing tools and knowledge to become active bystanders to keep our community safe.

Presentations and Trainings

Does your class, department, or organization want to learn more about victim advocacy and violence prevention? Want to get involved or collaborate in meaningful and impactful ways? Request a presentation today and begin working with the Victim Advocate to develop a training or presentation that fits your needs.


    Sexual Assault Awareness Month: A student and staff led initiative that provides healthy relationship education and promotes a bystander intervention model that includes Red Flag day. Look for opportunities to take get involved in SAAM activities and events, and contact the Wellness Center or victim advocate to collaborate on events during this month that focus on sexual misconduct and recovery.


    All new incoming students are mandated to complete initial educational programs regarding sexual misconduct before and during orientation. The first program is offered through an online format and consists of awareness on sexual misconduct through Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU). The second program is a mandatory Responsi-BULL presentation during orientation which contains information about affirmative consent, USF’s policies,