Transfer Support
Future Transfer
What should I know as a future transfer student?
Embarking on the journey of transferring to a new educational institution is both an exciting and, potentially, overwhelming endeavor.
As a future transfer student, understanding the complexities of the process, and being well- prepared, can significantly impact your transition.
Here is a list of frequently asked questions (Q&A) that you and your family may find helpful:
What is the difference between Colleges and Universities?
A “college” is a two-year or four-year higher education institution that offers certificates, associate and/or bachelor’s degrees. Colleges are typically smaller than universities, providing degrees in specialized fields. A “university” is a four-year institution that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees. Because universities provide master’s and doctoral degree programs, many offer more advanced research opportunities than colleges do. Universities are larger institutions than colleges.
- Technical College: Technical colleges offer certificates and degrees in hands on fields.
- Community College/State College: Community/State colleges offer associate degrees for workforce and transfer.
- University: Universities offer bachelor’s degrees for specialized fields (B.S.) or
liberal arts (B.A.).
What is 2+2?
2+2 program is attending a community/state college for two years, and then transferring to a college or university for another two years. In just four total years, a student can earn both an associate degree and a bachelor's degree. For example, you can start at SPC to earn an A.A. degree and transfer to USF to earn a B.A. or B.S. degree. There are many benefits to participating in a 2+2 program.
- Cost-effective: Tuition for a traditional four-year college or university can be very expensive. Typically community colleges cost much less to attend. Students and families can save money through a 2+2 by paying for two years at a community college, and two years at a four-year school.
- Gen Ed Credits: Many students “get their gen eds out of the way” at a community college first. When they transfer to a four-year institution, they can focus on their major-oriented classes. In most 2+2 programs, the community college works closely with their partnered four-year school to ensure credits transfer smoothly, and students do not have to retake certain classes.
- Close to Home: Many community colleges have campuses nearby. Students can continue living at home with their family and save even more money in the process.
- Strengthen Academics: If grades were not a strong suit in high school, two years of community college can turn that around and give a boost to transfer college applications. Students can get additional academic help they need and strengthen their GPA.
- Adult Learners: Adults who are interested in going back to school find a 2+2 program helpful. Attending a community college first can make it easier to balance school, work, and home responsibilities.
The University of South Florida offers two transfer programs, PATHe and FUSE. You could join both programs for extra support. To learn more about these programs fill out our information request form and our PATH Transfer Support Advisor will contact you to set up an appointment.
What are the differences between an A.S. and A.A. degree?
A.A. is an abbreviation of Associate of Arts.
An A.A. degree is a direct way to move to a university for a four-year bachelor’s degree and study many major subjects.
A.S. is an abbreviation of Associate of Science.
A.S. degrees are a direct way to get ready for the workforce and prepare students for a specific field.
For more information visit: The Difference Between An A.A. and An A.S. Degree- Career - Careers and Internships (
Are there any specific classes I should take before I transfer from College to University?
Some majors require specific classes before transferring. View USF major requirements.
Although some majors might not have specific requirements to transfer, students can start taking some of their major requirements at the State College while pursuing an A.A. degree. Talk with your Academic Advisor.
Can I transfer without an A.A. degree?
Students can transfer without finishing an A.A. degree. However, completing A.A. degree is recommended in most cases.
Students who do not have an A.A. degree DO NOT automatically meet the general education course requirements. Students will have credits evaluated as part of the admission process on a course-by-course basis.
Students who apply for admissions at Florida public universities after earning an A.A. degree from a Florida College System institution, and have a 2.0 GPA, will be guaranteed admissions. In most cases a student with an A.A. automatically meets General Education requirements, and can transfer with at least 60 credit hours, as long as they meet all applicable criteria.
- Applicants for Selective Majors must meet additional major-specific admissions criteria to be admissible.
- If you are completing an A.A. degree as a dual enrollment high school student, you might have to apply as a freshman student depending on the university. An example is USF. You can review the Freshman Academic Requirements for more information.
- If you apply to transfer without an A.A. degree you could have different requirements depending on the number of credits that have been completed before transferring. You can review the different types of transfer by credits at USF.
Can I transfer with an Associate of Science Degree (A.S.)?
Students transferring with an A.S. degree normally do not meet the general education course requirements. Usually, students with A.S. degrees will have credits evaluated as part of the admission process on a course-by-course basis. USF offers a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science.
Can I take classes at a State College and University at the same time?
If you are enrolled in a state college or university, you can request approval to take a course at another state college or university by completing, and submitting, an online Transient Student Admission Application.
If you are enrolled in a private college or university, or an out-of-state school, please check with your institution for information and instructions about taking a course at another college or university.
To learn more visit or to apply to be a transient student visit: How to Take Courses at Another College Here in Florida (
Am I a transfer student if I completed college credits or my A.A. as a dual enrollment or early college student?
It depends on the University.
At USF, you will be considered a freshman student.
If you have completed 12 or more credits of college coursework after high school graduation, you will be considered for transfer admission.
Review more information about freshman admissions.
Still have questions?
Fill out our information request form and our PATH Transfer Support Advisor will contact you to set up an appointment.