About Us
Contact Information
Telephone: 727-873-5101
Email: stp-housing@usf.edu
Director of Housing and Residential Education
The Director is responsible for providing leadership, direction, vision and oversight for the University’s student Housing and Residential Education program.
Assistant Director of Residential Education
The Assistant Director of Residential Education leads all components of the residential education area including planning, coordination, and direction of activities within the residence hall communities. Areas of residential education include student success and retention initiatives, care management, living learning communities, residential community programs, residential curriculum and related assessment.
Coordinator of Residential Education (Pelican Apartments)
The Coordinator of Residential Education (CRE) leads a residential community and is responsible for components of residential education, advising student organizations, crisis management, on call response, and day to day operations of the residential community.
Coordinator of Residential Education (Ibis Hall)
The Coordinator of Residential Education (CRE) leads a residential community and is responsible for components of residential education, advising student organizations, crisis management, on call response, and day to day operations of the residential community.
Coordinator of Residential Education (Osprey Suites)
The Coordinator of Residential Education (CRE) leads a residential community and is responsible for components of residential education, advising student organizations, crisis management, on call response, and day to day operations of the residential community.
Assistant Director of Housing
The Assistant Director of Housing is primarily responsible for creating and managing housing assignments, occupancy management and allocations, managing all facilities and maintenance within the residence halls in conjuction with the USF St. Petersburg facilities team, and is the lead contact for all room change processes and cancellation requests. This area also manages all student mail & packages.
Coordinator of Housing
The Coordinator of Housing (COH) supports the Assistant Director of Housing with occupancy management and allocations, room change processes, assignments, and cancellation requests. They are also responsible for tracking maintenance requests, projects, and responses.
Administrative Specialist
The Administrative Specialist supports the Housing & Residential Education department with customer care and support via our departmental email and phone line. Also responsible for managing the front circulation desk in Osprey Suites and all student mail & packages.
Resident Assistants (RA) are members of the Housing & Residential Education team that play a vital role in the development of community within the residence halls and on campus. RAs are upper-class students who have lived on campus at least one full semester.
Students who are interested in becoming an RA for the next academic year should look for RA recruitment information in early October. If you have questions about RA recruitment please talk to a current RA, a Hall Director, or a Residence Life Coordinator.
Student Assistants are an integral component to the success of Housing & Residential Education. Some of their duties include distributing mail and packages, answering phones, taking messages, assisting residents and guests, and answering any questions you may have about living on campus.