Residential Resources
Hurricane Guide
Hurricanes are large, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 mph and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain a day. 40% of the hurricanes that occur in the United States hit Florida, so it is very important to be alert and prepared. Hurricane season spans from June 1st to November 30th, with August to November being the most active months in the season.
Hurricanes require proactive methods; it is important to keep track of the weather during these months, have a plan, and maintain a disaster kit all year round. The kit should contain items such as a flashlight, whistle, personal hygiene items, and non-perishable food. Visit for more information on building and maintaining a disaster supply kit.
If a hurricane is approaching the St. Petersburg, the Housing & Residential Education staff will make every effort to alert residents. Updated information will be shared via, USF’s official social media channels, MyUSF and email. Depending on the storm's path and whether the university decides to cancel classes or close, a follow-up decision may be made to close all on-campus housing and evacuate all residents. If classes are canceled or the campus closes and the decision is made not to evacuate housing, the residents may still be directed to move to other locations within the buildings as the potential for flooding increases.
For more information on the USF Hurricane policies, view the USF Hurricane Guide