Risk Management
Workers' Compensation
The University of South Florida provides a safe and healthy work environment. USF's Workers' Compensation program is intended to provide medical treatment, disability leave and supplemental wages, as necessary, to eligible employees in the event they experience a work-related injury or illness.
Eligible employees include Faculty, Administration, Staff, Federal Work Study student employees and Temporary (formerly OPS) employees, as well as Volunteers, who sustain a work-related injury or illness. USF is committed to returning employees to work, either on light or regular duty as appropriate, following a work-related injury or illness once a physician has released them to return to work.
The program is administered by the Florida Department of Financial Services with the Division of Risk Management acting as the carrier. At USF the program is overseen by Central Human Resources. Injury or illness reporting and medical case management services are provided to injured or ill employees and their supervisors by Amerisys in partnership with the Florida Division of Risk Management.
Requirement for an Ill or Injured Employee:
An employee who becomes ill or is injured as a result of a work-related incident must report the incident to the supervisor immediately. The University wants the employee to receive proper care and treatment to minimize the seriousness of any injury or illness. Report any on-the-job injury to the supervisor, no matter how minor the injury may appear to be.
Requirements for the Supervisor of an Ill or Injured Employee:
When an employee, student employee, or volunteer reports a work-related injury or illness, take prompt action to:
- Ensure the individual receives necessary medical attention. In case of emergency, call 911 or immediately send the employee to a hospital emergency room.
- With the injured or ill individual, immediately call Amerisys at 1-800-455-2079 to report the work-related injury or illness so the employee can receive appropriate care. In case of emergency, call Amerisys as soon as practicable.
- Complete the Consolidated Injury/Illness Report within 24 hours.
- Take action to correct any safety hazards to prevent the same or similar injury or illness from occurring again.
- Students who become injured or ill while performing tasks for course credit are not covered by Workers’ Compensation. A responsible USF person should complete the Consolidated Injury/Illness Report, but Amerisys should not be called.
- Anyone observing a safety hazard or near miss at a USF location should complete the Safety Hazard / Near Miss Report Form.
For questions on how to report a work-related injury or illness or other workers' compensation issues, refer to the links below or contact USF Workers' Compensation at workcomp@usf.edu.
- Employee Assistance Program
- Florida Division of Risk Management
- Consult the Employee Leave Guide for information about Job Related Disability Leave
- Consult the Attendance & Leave Guide for Supervisors for information about Security of Employee Medical Information
- USF Regulations and Policies
- Volunteer Services
- Chapter 440, Florida Statutes
- Department of Labor - Workers' Comp