Nelson Poynter Memorial Library

About Us

The University of South Florida Libraries accelerate learning and knowledge production through distinctive collections, information service innovation, and thought leadership. We are one library serving three campus communities in Tampa, Sarasota-Manatee, and the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library in St. Petersburg. As the heart of an AAU member University, the USF Libraries contribute to student success, faculty excellence, and lifelong learning for our community.  

The USF Libraries provide access to over 2.6 million print and eBooks, 73,000 e-journal subscriptions, and 30.8 million digital images. We offer specialized research assistance and instruction support to students and faculty as well as access to unique primary research materials in Florida Studies, marine and environmental sciences, journalism and media studies, literature and humanities, civil rights, LGBTQ+ studies, and the campus institutional archives.  

USF St. Pete Library Atrium

Questions? Contact the library.