Geospatial Analytics Lab

Past Students and Projects

  1. Ms. Shannon Connlley – Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Soil moisture mapping using remote sensing and GIS.  Graduated Summer 2010

  2. Dr. N. Williams – Co-Major Professor (PhD. College of Marine Sciences, USF Tampa). Title: Linking land use, soil erosion and sediment yield in estuaries using GIS, erosional models and 137Cs: An integrated approach. Graduated Fall 2010

  3. Mr. Rene Baumstrak – Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: An evaluation of image segmentation, texture analysis and pixel classification techniques for mapping Seagrass from satellite imagery in Springs Coast Florida and evaluating the effectiveness of these techniques in replacing traditional photointerpretation methods. Graduated Summer 2011

  4. Mr. Fredrik Bradley - Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Linking Watershed, Soil and Landuse/Landcover Characteristics to the spatial Variability of In-stream Water Quality in selected Florida Watersheds. Graduated Fall 2011

  5. Ms. Kristine Berg. Major Professor. Honors Thesis (Dept of Criminology). Title: Drugs, Guns, Police and Spatial Analysis: St. Petersburg, Florida. Graduate Spring 2012

  6. Ms. Rene Duffy – Co-Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography) Title: A multi-scale approach for characterizing habitat selection of tidal creek fish in Charlotte Harbor, Florida. Graduated Summer 2012

  7. Mr. Richard Knudson – Co-Major Professor (College of Marine Science, USF). A Study on the Integration of Multivariate MetOcean, Ocean Circulation, and Trajectory Modeling Data with Static GIS for Better Marine Resources Management and Protection During Oil Spills. Graduated Fall 2015

  8. Mr. Steven Douglas - Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Modeling of Surface and Groundwater Contamination and Human Health Risk: An Integrated Geospatial Approach. Graduated Fall 2015

  9. Ms. Samantha Cope - Major Professor. Honors Thesis (Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Tampa Bay Seagrass Populations Affected by Changes in Land Use, Imperviousness and Water Quality Using Habitat Suitability. Completed Fall 2015

  10. Ms. Tess Rivenbark - Major Professor. Honors Thesis (Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Cost-effectiveness of integrated GIS and remote sensing seagrass landscape characterization methods. Graduated Spring 2016

  11. Ms. Jessica Gruber- Co-Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Analyzing and Mapping of factors that influence success and failure of conservation practice: a multi-scale study. Graduated Summer 2016

  12. Ms. Kimberly Lyons- Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Sediment Dynamics and Climate Change:  An Integrated Model Approach to Evaluating the Effects of Projected Precipitation Changes on Sediment Production, Transport and Deposition at the Catchment Scale , Graduated Fall 2016

  13. Ms. Elizabeth Merton – Co-Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). A Comparison of Natural vs. Mitigated Wetlands: A Spatially Integrated Decision Support Approach. Graduated Fall 2016

  14. Mr. Kyle Flanagan - Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Integration of Terrestrial Source, Landuse, and Watershed Hydrogeology in Coastal MPA Management. Graduated Summer 2017

  15. Mr. Chris McHan- Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Elusive or Illusive Truth? The Role of Sensors and Sampling Strategies in Data Collection and its Implication for Scientific Knowledge and the Pursuit of Truth. Graduated Spring 2018.

  16. Amada Fernandez – Major Professor. Honors Thesis. (Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: The Impact of Wildfire on Soil Erosion using a GIS-integrated RUSLE Model and the Influence of DEM Resolution on Model Results. Graduated  Fall, 2018

  17. Mr. Leo Meirose- Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: Effects of DEM Resolution on Slope Characterization and Subsequent Stream Delineation and Flow: A comprehensive Analyses Graduated Summer 2019

  18. Mr. Mathew Spetka - Major Professor (MS. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Geography). Title: A comparison of two GIS-based habitat characterization methods for juvenile gag (Mycteroperca microlepis): habitat suitability model vs ecological niche factor analysis.

  19. Mr. Mathew Vera – Major Professor. Honors Thesis (Department of Geography. Title: Uncovering Race and Class Biases of the Floridian Police Force: A Geospatial Analysis.

  20. Mr. Alec Colarusso – Major Professor (MS. School of Geosciences).  Title: Analysis Of OSTDS Failure Potential due to Sea-Level Rise and OtherInundation Factors: An Integrated Geo-Spatial Analysis. Graduated Summer 2023