ID Card Center

ID Card Center

St. Petersburg Campus ID Card Center Information

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM (Closed 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Daily)

ID Card Pick-Up & Support Office
Bayboro Hall (BAY) 134

Ways to get help

Phone Support
Call: (727) 873-4408

Email Support

USF Policy regarding USF ID Cards

It is the policy of the University of South Florida that all Students, Faculty, Administrative and Professional (A&P), University Support Personnel System (USPS) and OPS personnel must obtain and carry the USF ID card while on-site. The USFCard is the official identification card of the University of South Florida. The USFCard is a multi-functional card with digitized photo and electronic identification and validation for departments needing to verify student and/or employee status. The USFCard was designed as a platform for a multitude of services and functions.  Visit the USFCard and ID Badge policy for further information.

Rocky ID Card

Cardholder Responsibilities

  • Use of the USFCard by anyone other than the person to whom it was issued is strictly prohibited.
  • The cardholder is subject to disciplinary actions or other penalties for improper use of the card.
  • The cardholder is responsible for any and all losses associated with the card.
  • Punching holes, marking on the card, adding stickers, or altering the card in any way is strictly prohibited.

View the official USFCard Policy.


  • First Card - $10 (auto-billed to OASIS account)
  • Replacement Card - $15

Students: Your card cost will be charged to your Oasis account.

Card request (new and replacement)

  • New students should request their initial USFCard through MyBullsPath, or directly at the USFCard Request Site.
  • Faculty and staff should request their initial USFCard through the USFCard Request Site.
  • All other requests including card replacements should be placed online at the USFCard Request Site.
  • Please be prepared to submit a professional color photo with a white background along with an image of valid government-issued photo identification (driver's license, passport, etc.).


  1. Complete the online ID card application on the USFCard Request Site.
  2. Submit a photo of yourself and a photo of your driver's license or passport. (Photos taken with smartphones are acceptable.)
  3. Wait for the approved email address.
  4. Visit the ID card center in BAY 134 to pick up your card.
  5. Activate your card.

Acceptable Photo Examples

ID photo examples of individual headshots against a white background

For more guidance on card requests please see the card request instructions.

NOTE: ID card applications are normally processed within 24 hours, for urgent requests please contact the Card Center after submitting your request. You must submit and receive an approved email before visiting the ID Center for pickup.  

Replacement Card Policy

  • Replacement of lost, worn, or damaged cards will incur a charge of $15. 
  • Payment for defective cards returned within 3 months of printing may be waived if the card is not damaged. 
  • Replacement cards can be requested through the online request process.
  • Replacement cards may be purchased for USF St. Pete employees by their department upon accountable officer approval. Please email for more information.

Card pick-up/distribution

Upon approval, your card can be picked up at the ID card center located on the 1st floor of Bayboro Hall (BAY 134) during normal hours. 

Don't Forget! – You must present a valid government-issued photo ID to receive your USFCard.

Innovative Education Program Students: If you are a non-local student who is part of an Innovative Education Program, please contact your college for further instructions.