Below are the Department of Integrative Biology faculty located on the St. Petersburg campus. For full bios and faculty on all campuses, visit the departmental website.

Melanie Riedinger-Whitmore
Title: Campus Chair and Professor
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Phone: (727) 873-4834
Email: mariedin@usf.edu
Office: STG 217
Area of Interest: Conservation biology; aquatic ecology; paleolimnology; phycology; wetland ecology

Deby Cassill
Title: Campus Assoc. Chair & Associate Professor
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Phone: (727) 424-1424
Email: cassill@usf.edu
Office: URL 108
Area of Interest: Survival behaviors; reproductive behaviors; maternal investment strategies; ecology
& evolution; conservation biology; lifetime replacement fitness

Jeremiah Sean Doody
Title: Graduate Director and Assistant Professor
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Phone: (706) 982-9729
Email: jsdoody@usf.edu
Office: STG 218
Area of Interest: Conservation biology; ecology; behavior; evolution; invasive species; climate change

William Ellis
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
View CV
Email: wellis@usf.edu
Area of Interest: Marine Biology, Ecology

Ashley Fox
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
Email: afox55@usf.edu

Hossam Ashour
Title: Associate Professor
View CV
Email: ashour@usf.edu
Area of Interest: Environmental microbiology and molecular biology

Michelle Green
Title: Michelle Green
View CV
Phone: (727) 873-4351
Email: mlgreen1@usf.edu
Area of Interest: Conservation biology

Heather Judkins
Title: Associate Professor
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Phone: (727) 873-4512
Email: Judkins@usf.edu
Office: STG 222
Area of Interest: Marine biology; invertebrates; cephalopods; phylogeny; systematics

Brian Maitner
Title: Assistant Professor
View CV

Noel Takeuchi
Title: Noel Takeuchi
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Phone: (727) 873-4303
Email: ntakeuchi@usf.edu
Office: DAV 213
Area of Interest: Marine biology; physiology & morphology; marine mammals; toxicology; nutrition; reproductive
physiology; companion animal management

Thomas J. Whitmore
Title: Associate Professor
View CV
Phone: (727) 873-4008
Email: whitmore@usf.edu
Area of Interest: Ecology & evolution; limnology; quantitative biology; historical ecology; limnology;
paleolimnology; aquatic plants; diatoms

Michelle Ziadie
Title: Assistant Professor of Instruction
View CV
Email: michelle13@usf.edu
Office: DAIS 215
Area of Interest: Ecology & evolution; pedagogy & education