In-person Tutoring
Visit the Student Success Center (SSC) in DAV 107 for drop-in tutoring - no appointment needed.
Didn't see your course listed on the schedule? Check with our front desk for additional course support or call us at 727-873-4632.
Online Tutoring
For more information check out the FAQ!
Students will be limited to 1 appointment per subject, per day.
Writing Consultations
There are 3 options for writing consultations:
- in-person
- online appointment through Teams
- asynchronous submissions.
Please visiting our writing page to learn more.
Additional Learning Support Options
other campuses
Departments and Colleges
Please note: these program are not associated with the Student or Academic Success Centers
- USF Chem Society Tutoring - offers peer tutoring for all USF students in select science and math courses.
- USF World Languages Tutoring - tutoring select language and linguistics courses, both online and in-person.
- TutorMe/Pear Deck Learning - third-party tutoring available through Canvas courses