
The MathLab is an innovative learning environment based on USF Tampa’s SMART Lab. It is a computer lab dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. Students enrolled in MathLab courses, such as College Algebra, Precalculus Trigonometry, and Business Calculus, use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from peer tutors. The MathLab also serves as a proctoring agent for testing and re-testing for certain courses. Removing the tests from lecture gives the math faculty back essential teaching time that had previously been spent on testing.
Courses that participate in MathLab services are identified in OASIS when students register. During the first week of classes, the MathLab hosts orientation sessions for students to learn how to earn their lab hours and make testing appointments.
spring MathLAB Hours
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pm
Friday 9 am - 2 pm
Math Homework Support Lab: HWH 231
Testing Lab: LPH 217