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Police Accreditation
The University of South Florida St. Petersburg Police Department remains committed to demonstrating the highest levels of law enforcement standards.

In February 2016, the USF St. Petersburg Police Department was recognized by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) as a fully accredited police department.
The accreditation recognition ensures that a police organization is in compliance with the most contemporary management and operational practices. In order to attain this recognition, the organization must comply with over 200 accreditation standards on topics such as Community Relations, Safety, Use of Force, Arrest Procedures, Professional Ethics, and Police Management Practices. An assessment is conducted by CFA at 3 year intervals to ensure that member agencies remain in compliance with these rigid professional standards.
The USF St. Petersburg Police Department is particularly proud of the CFA accreditation certification, which solidifies the organizational commitment to the mission of providing professional law enforcement services to our university community.

Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) Meeting – Feb. 24th, 2022
(From L to R) Commissioner Rick Staly, Captain Paul Andrews, Master Police Officer
Erika Hasson, Chief David Hendry, and CFA Program Manager Beth McNeil