
SOS Services

The SOS office provides varying levels of direct and indirect support. Case managers meet with students' as frequently or infrequently as desired by the student or required by SOCAT. Services implementation, during the pandemic is 100% telephone utilizing Microsoft Teams. 

Case management services provided by the office primarily include:

Initial Screening

is a holistic assessment approach intended to gather information about the students strengths and areas needing support. This is required for all students engaging in case management. 

Follow-up Appointment(s)

Occurs after the initial screen and is intend for continued progress in reducing barriers and accessing success at USF. 

Post-Hospital Coordination

REQUIRED Appointment, per USF6.0163 Policy. Case Managers (CM) will ensure a smooth transition back to campus is smooth and as stress free as possible. CM's will ensure the student is connected to the appropriate transitional services.

Follow-Up Monitoring

This is a non-direct service with the goal of monitoring the students success, in terms of grade checks, class attendance, and other academic indicators of distress. The case manager will monitor the student for two consecutive semesters following the initial referral. 


Auxiliary Office services available to the campus:


Staff will consult about concerns and how to respond. Consultation is aimed at supporting faculty and staff and ensuring the most appropriate referral is made.

Training, Education, and Reporting

Provides department specific training, developing educational materials for the campus community, and complete annual reporting about trends, learning outcomes, and recommendations.

Collaborative Programming

Collaborates with campus partners, as requested, to participate in training, education, and event(s) appropriate to the scope of the office geared as cultivating a community of caring at USF St. Petersburg.

Campus Incident Support

Provides post-incident support across campus. This services might include a collaboration with campus partner for a candlelight vigil post a traumatic event, talk to students in a course (by request of professor/dean) after a classroom or campus disruption, or assist in campus efforts in planning and preparation of an incoming weather disaster.