Research and Community Initiatives
USF’s Family Study Center (FSC) has been an internationally recognized hub for cutting edge thinking and research on coparenting in family systems. From smaller scale community initiatives co-developed with and carried out in partnership with community leaders and local agency collaborators, to larger scale federally sponsored investigations, randomized trials, and implementation studies, the FSC continues to provide national and global leadership in helping to better understand coparenting and its impact on early child development. We explore solutions that honor modern families and family configurations, such as our innovative Focused Coparenting Consultation model that has been modified for unmarried, divorced, and multigenerational families, and for families reestablishing adaptive rhythms after a period of child welfare involvement. In everything we do, we work to assure that all family voices are heard, honored, and supported.
Current and Ongoing Research Programs
International Coparenting Collaborative
The FSC leads a collaborative of family-oriented infant mental health professionals
from eight nations, partnering to identify means for framing initial infant mental
health encounters and intakes with families to better assess, and raise family consciousness
about, the importance of coparenting for infants and toddlers.
Within My Reach
A five-year demonstration project funded by the Administration for Children and Families* is testing the feasibility of delivering a Healthy Relationship intervention, Within
My Reach, to parents during challenging times to strengthen relationships between
family members and create safe and supportive households.
Figuring It Out for the Child (FIOC)
Over a decade in the making, the FSC’s “Focused Coparenting Consultation” model showed
enduring benefits for coparenting, infant mental health, and other family outcomes
for unmarried African American parents transitioning to new parenthood
Guidance for the Field: Special issue of the ZERO TO THREE Journal
The flagship ZERO TO THREE Journal devoted an entire special issue, edited by FSC
Director James McHale and colleague Vicky Phares, to the topic: Supporting Fathers
and Mothers as Coparents; The Next Frontier for Infant and Toddler Mental Health
Current and Ongoing Community Initiatives
Baby Talk
Since 2010, the Family Study Center has partnered with Concerned Organization for
Quality Education for Black Students (COQEBS) on a grassroots community initiative
for families with children birth to age 3, “Baby Talk”, and a 10-year sister program
“Listening to Babies”.
Connected Coparenting
Initiatives funded by the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg and by the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County provide training and consultation to area agencies serving families of children 0-3
to help front-line providers offer and effectively deliver trauma-informed, family-centered
coparenting supports.
Cafes, Community and Coparenting
Collaborating with New Visions of the Well, Inc., an agency partner in south St. Petersburg,
the FSC provides developmental screenings and ongoing “Parent Café” groups on major
topics of interest to families raising young children in today’s complex world, in
the ways families wish and the neighborhoods where they live.
During our 20th anniversary celebration year in 2023-24, the FSC has put together a conference series called “Thinking Three”, elevating some of the cutting-edge topics in the field of coparenting research, theory and practice. Click here to learn more about and register for our upcoming events.
Situational Partner Aggression: Screening Considerations in Evaluating Parents for
Dyadic Coparenting Intervention
To open the Thinking Three series, Dr. Carla Stover from Yale University addressed
triaging and intervening with families from a coparenting frame when there have been
past instances of IPV in the family. This series-opening event was offered free to
the professional community, in tribute to our colleague, Dr. Katherine McKay
Coparenting Brief
View Dr. McHale's June 2021 keynote address to over 2,000 attendees taking part in
the Texas Fatherhood Summit.
Engaging Fathers in Home Visiting Services
The importance of involving fathers in home visiting programs, biases that may disrupt
home visitors’ work with men, and steps home visitors can take towards better engaging
Supporting Respectful Partnerships: Coparenting
Florida’s Partnership Plan for families with child welfare involvement calls for caregivers
and agency staff to partner together to assist birth parents in improving their ability
to care for and protect their children. More importantly, it provides that all will
act in a supportive and respectful manner that allows children to maintain ties to
their family. This “Just In Time” training covers expectable challenges and keys to
building successful coparenting partnerships.
For the Quality Parenting Initiative: Supervised Visitation: Foster Parents Supervising Visits and Coparenting (11/18/15)
Some of the best outcomes occur when the relationship between children’s families
and the foster caregivers looking after them until they can return home establish
a trusting, authentic partnership. An important component of these partnerships is
supervised visitation. This video addresses ways to better assure that strong alliances
materialize to support young children during their time out of home.
For DCF’s Project Launch: IFMH Concepts and Considerations
Led by a partnership between the Florida Department of Children and Families and the
Florida Department of Health, Florida’s Project LAUNCH supported families of young
children on the Lealman Corridor, an area consisting of four zip codes in Pinellas
County. This video was designed to offer basics about infant-family mental health
for the project team.
McHale, J., Coates, E., Collins, R. & Phares, V. (2024). Coparenting theory, research, and practice: Toward a universal infant-family mental health paradigm. In J. Osofsky, H. Fitzgerald, M. Keren & K. Puura (Eds.), WAIMH Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
McHale, J. & Jenkins, K. (2023). Thinking three, revisited: Infants, coparents,
gender roles, and cultural contexts. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
McHale, J., Tissot, H., Mazzoni, S., Hedenbro, M., Salman-Engin, S., Phillip,
D., Darwuiche, J., Keren, M., Coates, E., Mensi, M., Corboz-Warnery, A. & Fivaz-Depeursinge,
E. (2023). Framing the work: A coparenting model for guiding infant mental health
engagement with families. Infant Mental Health Journal. 44, 638-550.
Opie, J., Booth, A., Rossen, L., Fivaz-Depeursinge, E., Duschinsky, R., Painter,
F., Hartley, E., Newman, L., Corboz-Warnery, A., Carr, A., Philipp, D. & McHale, J.
(2023). Initiating the dialogue between infant mental health and family therapy: A
qualitative inquiry and recommendations Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Opie, J., McHale, J., Lieberman, A., Keren, M. & Paul, C. (2023). The rights
of the infant in family therapy: Ensuring that the infant’s voice is heard and honoured.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
McHale, J. P., Stover, C., Dube, C., Sirotkin, Y., Lewis, S., & McKay, K. (2022). Randomized controlled trial of a prenatal focused coparenting consultation for unmarried black fathers and mothers: One-year infant and family outcomes. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44, 27-42.
McHale, J., Stover, C., Dube, C., Sirotkin, Y., Lewis, S. & McKay, K. (2022), Culturally grounded prenatal coparenting intervention: Results of a randomized controlled trial with unmarried Black parents, Journal of Family Psychology. 36(4), 479–489.
Kuersten-Hogan, R. & McHale, J. (2021). Prenatal family dynamics: Couple and coparenting relationships during and postpregnancy. New York: Springer Publishers.
McKay, K., Gaskin-Butler, V., Little, T., DePalma, K. & McHale, J. (2021). Starting the conversation: Common themes typifying expectant unmarried Black parents’ discussions about coparenting a first child together. The Journal of Black Psychology, 47(7) 542–577.
McHale, J. & Jones, S. (2021). Mothers, fathers, and coparenting others. In A. Vangelista (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Family Communication, 3e (pp. 203-220). 10.4324/97810030434239-19
Fidler, B. & McHale, J. (2020). Building and enhancing efficacious coparenting in parenting coordination. Family Court Review, 58, 747-759.
McHale, J., Carter, D., Miller, M. & Fieldstone, L. (2020). Perspectives of mothers, fathers, and parenting coordinators concerning the process and impact of Parenting Coordination. Family Court Review, 58, 211-226. https://doi-org/
McHale, J. (2023, July). The next generation of coparenting progress for the field of infant mental health. Invited Master Class presented at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
McHale, J. (2023, July). Men's mental health and the centrality of fathers in infant-family mental health approaches. Invited Discussion presented at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
McHale, J., Tissot, H., Mazzoni, S., Hedenbro, M., Salman-Engin, S., Phillip, D., Darwuiche, J., Keren, M., Coates, E., Mensi, M., Corboz-Warnery, A. & Fivaz-Depeursinge, E. (2023, July). Framing the work: A coparenting model for guiding infant mental health engagement with families. Workshop presented at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
Sirotkin, Y., Coates, E., Stover, C. & McHale, J. (2023, July). Infant eye gaze. emotion regulation and coparenting during triadic interactions of unmarried Black parents. Paper presented at the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland.
McHale, J. (March 2022). Coparenting Forskning: An overview of practice guidelines with new parents for nurses and home visitors, Keynote address, Redovisningsenheten, Stockholm, Sweden
McHale, J. (March 2022). Advances in Coparenting 2022: Supporting children in diverse family circumstances, Invited Presentation, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
McHale, J. (March 2022). Coparenting i Triaden, Plenary address and practice workshop, Hedenbro Institut, Stockholm, Sweden
McHale, J. (March 2022). Coparenting: Theory, Research and Practice, Lectio Magistralis for the European Dana Alliance for the Brain and the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (USA) World Conference: The role of the family in the care of patients: Typical and atypical settings. Pavia, Italy.
McHale, J. (2021, November). Coparenting: Theory, research, and practice. Keynote presentation for the PROGRAM INTERNATION SEMINAR CARE 2021, Santiago, Chile.
McHale, J. (2021, November). Assessment of coparenting and family-level dynamics. Invited workshop presented at the PROGRAM INTERNATION SEMINAR CARE 2021, Santiago, Chile.
* Relevant content on this website is supported by Grant 90ZB0024, “Skills-Based Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Services for At-Risk Families through a Child Welfare Diversion Program” from the Office of Family Assistance within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the investigator(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Family Assistance.