Sustainable Campus


University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus is committed to exercising leadership in pro-actively responding to the challenge of global climate change with a comprehensive vision on carbon neutrality and energy conservation.

Climate Goals

  • GHG Emissions. The University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus committed to reducing its baseline greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2035, and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
  • Air Quality. The campus shall continue to participate in and consider those programs which will maintain or improve existing air quality on campus lands.
  • Biological variability. The University shall permit no new development, expansion or replacement of existing development in areas designated for Conservation or Preservation.

Projects/Current efforts

1. The Climate Action Plan

The campus’ Climate Action Plan (CAP) describes the University's commitment and strategies for meeting the commitment to carbon neutrality.

2. Air Quality Monitoring System

USF St. Petersburg campus continues to ensure that both indoor and outdoor air quality standards are met and adhered to. Air quality sensors have been installed at strategic sites  to monitor,  maintain and improve  air quality on campus and within its surrounding.

See The Data

Community Resiliency Information system (CRIS) is a customizable crowdsourced integrative knowledge network, with a two-way communication system designed to enhance communities’ resilience in the context of climate change, natural disasters and extreme weather events that is integrated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

 3. The Bayboro Food Forest

The Bayboro Food Forest provides a unique experience for students at USF St. Petersburg campus as a one of a kind urban agriculture hub in the heart of St. Petersburg. It embodies the practices of permaculture and focuses heavily on composting. The food produce goes directly to the students involved in toiling the soil, with excess food given to community organizations.

To get involved, join the campus Garden Club, which is responsible for weekly maintenance and management of the space.

4. The Butterfly Garden

The Butterfly garden designed, built and paid for by students in 2014. It features only native Florida plants and is certified as both a North American Butterfly Association Butterfly Garden, and a Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Foundation.

The garden was designed to improve the campus entrance, promote the interaction and appreciation of nature in an urban setting, provide a calming natural setting for the campus community and to encourage the growth of struggling bee and butterfly populations. It is located near the corner of 6th Avenue and Second Street.

To get involved, join the campus Garden Club, which is responsible for weekly maintenance and management of the space.

 5. The USF St. Petersburg Campus Greenhouse

Built in conjunction with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) & The Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF), The Greenhouse provides a space for clubs, faculty, and students to conduct research projects, grow plants, and more. 

 5. Carbon Offset Program

USF St. Petersburg campus is a pre-registered subscriber to Duke’s Clean Energy Connection Program. The program has been filed and is yet to be approved by the Florida Public Service Commission. USF’s subscription is 6,752 kW representing about 70% of the campus's energy demand. The program is scheduled to start in 2022.