Through the Eyes of the Child
Dr. Debra Carter
Dr. James McHale
ADVANCED PARENTING COORDINATION TRAINING: Thursday, May 1 - Friday, May 2, 2025, Drs. Debra Carter and James McHale, Through the Eyes of the Child (TEC). TEC is an intervention that helps separated and divorced parents create a strong and safe coparenting alliance by learning to take to heart the concerns and views of the other parent as they work together to create safety and security for their shared child(ren). Techniques focus on elevating consciousness about the importance and impact of cooperative coparenting, improving communication about child-related issues, conflict resolution techniques, and sustaining parenting involvement in the face of present and future post-divorce obstacles
Registration Fee: $535
Modality: This is a virtual course and will be taught online with both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Attendees will be required to sign in for each modular session in order to receive APA credit for the course. Enrollment includes virtual training, all course materials, reading list items, and plan of follow-up requirements for matriculants who will be pursuing formal TEC certification.