Conference Description

Join colleagues from around the world in beautiful St. Petersburg, Florida to take a look back - and a bold look forward - at the most impactful contributions of coparenting theory, research and clinical practice in improving the lives of families raising infants, toddlers and young children. "Thinking three" has become our field's metaphor for infant-family mental health. Responsible work with families of infants and toddlers always attends to how children's socioemotional health is supported by the child's full family network - looking beyond just child-parent dyads to recognize and honor the child's relationship bonds with all caregiving adults.
In a day filled with presentations, dialogue, and breakout sessions centered around the concept of coparenting in diverse family systems, family scholars and practicing professionals will have opportunities to consider and discuss key elements of applied research and professional practice. Highlights include:
Thinking Three: Retrospect and prospect in coparenting theory, research and clinical
Dr. James McHale
When loved ones fight: Child Parent Psychotherapy with multiple caregivers
Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen
An international perspective on coparenting supports and services for diverse family
Dr. Silvia Mazzoni
Widening Our Lens to Optimize Community Safety Nets: Recognizing, Affirming, and Strengthening
Diverse Family Support Structures
Dr. LaDonna Butler
A special afternoon track for rostered CPP providers, Beyond Dyadic Intervention: CPP with Multiple Generations, featuring a clinical case presentation by Valerie Dallas, LCSW and facilitation by Dr. Ghosh Ippen
Content Relevant For:
- Psychologists
- Pediatricians and Pediatric Residents
- Social Workers
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Mental Health Counselors and Educators
- Family Scientists and Researchers
- Post-Doctoral and Graduate Students (Special Pricing Available)